SK_SOLO_DeactivateInstallationGetRequest Function

Builds a request to send to the XmlActivationService web service's DeactivateInstallation method in SOLO Server.


Important Note

The XML document returned in the request parameter must be freed from memory! The SK_XmlDocumentDispose function is recommended for this purpose.

The string returned in the sessionCode parameter must be freed from memory! The SK_StringDispose function is recommended for this purpose.


SK_ResultCode SK_SOLO_DeactivateInstallationGetRequest(SK_ApiContext context, int flags, const char *installationId, SK_XmlDoc *request, char **sessionCode);
Visual Basic
Declare Function SK_SOLO_DeactivateInstallationGetRequest(ByVal context As Long, ByVal flags As Long, ByVal installationId As String, ByRef request As Long, ByRef sessionCode As String) As Long


The API Context handle.
Any flags passed into this function-call.
The Installation ID of the activated license.
Reference/pointer to a SK_XmlDoc handle, which will point to the XML document handle that contains the request when the call succeeds. The handle must be initialized to NULL (0) prior to calling this function.
Reference/pointer to a string pointer, which will point to the string which contains the unique session code generated for this request when the call succeeds. The string pointer must be initialized to NULL (0) prior to calling this function.


All possible return values are included in the SK_ResultCode enumeration. Return codes to expect include:

Result Code Description
SK_ResultCode.SK_ERROR_NONE No error.
SK_ResultCode.SK_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS Some or all of the arguments are invalid.