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XmlRsaDecryption Properties

The XmlRsaDecryption type exposes the following members.

Public propertyEncryptionKey
Gets or sets the Encryption Key data required for cryptographic routines.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyEncryptionOptions
Gets or sets options used when encrypting or decrypting.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyEnvelopeUpgradeBehavior
Gets or sets whether to only use the latest version of the Envelope or to fall back and attempt to use an older version of the envelope if decryption fails.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyInputDocument
Gets or sets the input XmlDocument.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyInputDocumentString
Gets or sets the input XML string. (Changing the InputDocument property affects this property, and setting this property updates the InputDocument property.)
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyLastError
Gets or sets the last error that occurred.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyOutputDocument
Gets or sets the output XmlDocument (null when processing has not been or completed, or failed).
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyOutputDocumentString
Gets the output XML string (derived from the OutputDocument property, this is an empty string null when processing has not been or completed, or failed).
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyRecursive
Gets or sets whether all elements are decrypted recursively (recommended for most web service calls). Setting this property to false will result in only the first level being decrypted.
Public propertySignatureOptions
Gets or sets options used when creating or verifying digital signatures.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyUseEncryption
Gets whether encryption or decryption is required.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyUseSignatures
Gets whether digital signatures need to be created or verified.
(Inherited from XmlRsaEncryptionBase.)
Public propertyVerifyWithBothKeys
Gets or sets whether verification will be attempted with both keys. (If true, the behavior specified in the SignatureOptions property is overridden. This is helpful for special cases, such as writable license files.)
See Also