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PostEvalData Properties

The PostEvalData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAddress1
Gets or sets the customer's street address (or line 1 of the customer's address).
Public propertyAddress2
Gets or sets the customer's second address line (i.e. apartment or suite number).
Public propertyAutomationClientErrorCode
Gets or sets the Automation Client error code.
(Inherited from AutomationClientWebFormCall.)
Public propertyCity
Gets or sets the city of the customer's address.
Public propertyCompanyName
Gets or sets the customer's company name.
Public propertyContentEncoding
Gets or sets the encoding used for the request and response (UTF-8 is the default).
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyContentType
Gets or sets the content type ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is the default).
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyCountry
Gets or sets the country of the customer's address.
Public propertyDistributorID
Gets or sets the distributor's unique ID.
Public propertyEmail
Gets or sets the customer's email address.
Public propertyFirstName
Gets or sets the customer's first name.
Public propertyLastException
Gets or sets the last Exception that occurred when calling the web form.
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyLastName
Gets or sets the customer's last name.
Public propertyPhone
Gets or sets the customer's phone number.
Public propertyPostalCode
Gets or sets the customer's zip/postal code.
Public propertyProductID
Gets or sets the Product ID designated by SOLO Server for the application being evaluated.
Public propertyProxy
Gets or sets the proxy server settings. Leave as null/Nothing to use the system's default proxy settings.
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyProxyAuthenticationRequired
Gets or sets whether the proxy server requires authentication.
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyRegistrationID
Gets the registration/evaluation ID returned after successfully registering with SOLO Server.
Public propertyRequireSsl
Gets or sets whether or not SSL is required.
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyResponse
Gets or sets the response returned from the server.
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertySource
Gets or sets the customer's fax number.
Public propertyStateProvince
Gets or sets the state/province of the customer's address.
Public propertyStatusCode
Gets or sets the status code of the response returned from the server.
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyTimeout
Gets or sets the timeout (in milliseconds). The default is 30000 milliseconds (or 30 seconds).
(Inherited from WebFormCall.)
Public propertyUserDefinedString1
Gets or sets the User Defined String (Misc) Field 1 value.
Public propertyUserDefinedString2
Gets or sets the User Defined String (Misc) Field 2 value.
Public propertyUserDefinedString3
Gets or sets the User Defined String (Misc) Field 3 value.
Public propertyUserDefinedString4
Gets or sets the User Defined String (Misc) Field 4 value.
Public propertyUserDefinedString5
Gets or sets the User Defined String (Misc) Field 5 value.
Public propertyUserDefinedString6
Gets or sets the User Defined String (Misc) Field 6 value.
Public propertyUserDefinedString7
Gets or sets the User Defined String (Misc) Field 7 value.
See Also