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com.softwarekey.Client.Compatibility.ProtectionPLUS4 Namespace
Contains classes and data for Protection PLUS 4 compatibility
Public classAutomationClientWebFormCall
Base implementation for Automation Client web form calls.
Public classGetLicenseStatus

Implementation for calling server-side scripts which were originally designed to work with the Automation Client's SK_GetLicenseStatus and SK_GetLicenseStatusEx functions.

Public classGetRegData

Implementation for calling server-side scripts which were originally designed to with with the Automation Client's SK_GetRegData and SK_GetRegDataEx functions.

Public classGetTcData

Implementation for calling server-side scripts which were originally designed to with with the Automation Client's SK_GetTCData and SK_GetTCDataEx functions.

Public classManualActivationKey
Class that will generate and decrypt an activation key. The payload is the Trigger Code and the TCFixed value. Part of the IV is random and included with the activation key. This allows the key to change each time it is generated.
Public classPLUS4Methods
Static methods for Protection PLUS 4 compatibility.
Public classCode examplePostEvalData

Implementation for calling server-side scripts which were originally designed to with with the Automation Client's SK_PostEvalData and SK_PostEvalDataEx functions.

Note Note

Before calling the CallWebForm method, the following properties must be set:

Before calling the CallWebForm method, the following properties may be set:

Your application is responsible for enforcing what data your users are required to enter.

This example shows how to make a typical activation call for a PLUSManaged license:
public bool PostEvaluationData(int productID, string email, string companyName, string firstName, string lastName, string phone, out int registrationID)
    //TODO: The URL used below is for SOLO Server Shared URL.  You will need to update this URL if you are using Instant SOLO Server Dedicated URL or SOLO Server.
    PostEvalData evalCall = new PostEvalData("");
    evalCall.ProductID = productID;
    evalCall.Email = email;
    evalCall.CompanyName = companyName;
    evalCall.FirstName = firstName;
    evalCall.LastName = lastName;
    evalCall.Phone = phone;
    //TODO: Add additional arguments to this function and initialize additional properties here as needed.

    //TODO: Initialize the Proxy property here as appropriate if you need to support proxy server authentication.

    bool successful = evalCall.CallWebForm();
    if (successful)
        registrationID = evalCall.RegistrationID;
        registrationID = 0;
        //TODO: Evaluate the AutomationClientErrorCode, LastException, and ProxyAuthenticationRequired properties for possible reasons why the call failed.

    return successful;
Public classCode examplePostRegData

Implementation for calling server-side scripts which were originally designed to with with the Automation Client's SK_PostRegData function. If you are using SOLO Server (including SOLO Server Shared URL and SOLO Server Dedicated URL), then you should use UpdateRegistration.

Note Note

Before calling the CallWebForm method, the following properties must be set:

Before calling the CallWebForm method, the following properties may be set:

Your application is responsible for enforcing what data your users are required to enter.

Caution note Caution

It is important to note that leaving any of the optional fields empty above will result in an empty value being stored. This is especially something to be aware of when setting the Overwrite property to true.

This example shows how to make a typical activation call for a PLUSManaged license:
public bool PostRegistrationData(int licenseID, string password, string email, string companyName, string firstName, string lastName, string phone)
    //TODO: The URL used below is for SOLO Server Shared URL.  You will need to update this URL if you are using Instant SOLO Server Dedicated URL, or SOLO Server.
    PostRegData registrationCall = new PostRegData("");
    registrationCall.LicenseID = licenseID;
    registrationCall.Password = password;
    registrationCall.Email = email;
    registrationCall.CompanyName = companyName;
    registrationCall.FirstName = firstName;
    registrationCall.LastName = lastName;
    registrationCall.Phone = phone;
    //TODO: Add additional arguments to this function and initialize additional properties here as needed.

    //TODO: Initialize the Proxy property here as appropriate if you need to support proxy server authentication.

    bool successful = registrationCall.CallWebForm();
    if (!successful)
        //TODO: Evaluate the AutomationClientErrorCode, LastException, and ProxyAuthenticationRequired properties for possible reasons why the call failed.

    return successful;
Public enumerationAutomationClientError
Automation Client errors.