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AutomationClientError Enumeration
Automation Client errors.

Namespace: com.softwarekey.Client.Compatibility.ProtectionPLUS4
Assembly: PLUSManaged (in PLUSManaged.dll) Version:
public enum AutomationClientError
  Member nameValueDescription
SWKERR_NONE0No error occurred. The operation was successful.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_STARTUP_ERROR1(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) Winsock could not be started.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_CANNOT_RESOLVE_HOST2(Not applicable to PLUSManaged, which will instead have an Exception object held in a property.) The specified server could not be found. Verify the computer is connected to the Internet, and that any firewall/proxy present is configured properly.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_CANNOT_CREATE_SOCKET3(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal problem that is normally fixed by either rebooting the computer, or installing the latest version of Internet Explorer.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_SERVER4(Not applicable to PLUSManaged, which will instead have an Exception object held in a property.) Could not connect to the specified server. Verify the computer is connected to the Internet, and that any firewall/proxy present is configured properly.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_CANNOT_SEND_DATA5(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal problem that is normally fixed by either rebooting the computer, or installing the latest version of Internet Explorer.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_CANNOT_READ_DATA6(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal problem that is normally fixed by either rebooting the computer, or installing the latest version of Internet Explorer.
SWKERR_NO_MORE_SOFTWARE_KEYS_AVAILABLE7The License ID has no (zero) activations left.
SWKERR_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE8The response received from the server is not in the expected format. This can sometimes indicate a response from something like a proxy sever, or an error on the server.
SWKERR_CANNOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY9(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal error, and you should contact technical support for assistance.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_CANNOT_RESOLVE_PROXY10(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal error. Please contact technical support.
SWKERR_WININET_UNAVAILABLE11(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) When specifying WinInet only flags, WinInet is unavailable on the target system.
SWKERR_WININET_FUNCTION_UNAVAILABLE12(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal error. Please contact technical support.
SWKERR_NO_CONNECTION13(Not applicable to PLUSManaged, which will instead have an Exception object held in a property.) No Internet connection is available.
SWKERR_INTERNAL_ERROR14(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal error. Please contact technical support.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_CONNECT_ERROR15(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) Cannot connect to internet. Verify internet connection.
SWKERR_WINSOCK_BUFFER_OVERFLOW16(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal error. Please contact technical support.
SWKERR_PARTIAL_CONNECTION17(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal error. Please contact technical support.
SWKERR_INVALID_PROXY_LOGIN18(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) Verify that the proxy information entered by user is valid.
SWKERR_SERVER_DOWN19(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) The server is non-responsive, or the page is formatted improperly.
SWKERR_FILE_ERROR20(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) Could not create or open the file.
SWKERR_FTP_FILENOTFOUND21(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) File could not be found on FTP server.
SWKERR_CANCEL22(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) The user clicked "Cancel".
SWKERR_ERROR_CREATING_WINDOW23(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) While downloading a file, the "Download Dialog box" could not be created.
SWKERR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_FILE24(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) The file could not be created.
SWKERR_ITEMNOTFOUND25(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) The item specified is invalid, or non-existent.
SWKERR_INVALIDPASSWORD26(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) The "password" specified could not be validated.
SWKERR_UPLOADFAILED27(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) This is an internal error. Please contact technical support.
SWKERR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT28(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) No longer used.
SWKERR_OS_INVALID29(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) The operating system does not support this functionality.
SWKERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS30(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) The parameter specified is invalid or out of range.
SWKERR_HTTP_FILENOTFOUND31(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) File could not be found on HTTP server.
SWKERR_ENCRYPTION_FAILED32(Not applicable to PLUSManaged - See WebServiceCall implementations and methods available in the License class.) Failed to encrypt web service request.
SWKERR_SIGNING_FAILED33(Not applicable to PLUSManaged - See WebServiceCall implementations and methods available in the License class.) Failed to sign web service request.
SWKERR_DECRYPTION_FAILED34(Not applicable to PLUSManaged - See WebServiceCall implementations and methods available in the License class.) Failed to decrypt web service response.
SWKERR_VERIFICATION_FAILED35(Not applicable to PLUSManaged - See WebServiceCall implementations and methods available in the License class.) Failed to verify signature of web service response.
SWKERR_CANONICALIZATION_FAILED36(Not applicable to PLUSManaged - See WebServiceCall implementations and methods available in the License class.) Failed to canonicalize web service response.
SWKERR_WEBSERVICE_RETURNED_FAILURE37(Not applicable to PLUSManaged - See WebServiceCall implementations and methods available in the License class.) Call succeeded but web service returned an error.
SWKERR_LOG_ENTRYNOTFOUND38(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) Previous usage log entry no found.
SWKERR_LOG_CANNOT_ERASE39(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) Failed to delete usage log.
SWKERR_LOG_CANNOT_OPEN40(Not applicable to PLUSManaged) Failed to open usage log.
SWKERR_CANNOT_PARSE_RESPONSE41(Not applicable to PLUSManaged - See WebServiceCall implementations and methods available in the License class.) Failed to parse a web service response.
See Also