
Check your email to complete your trial account setup!

An email has been sent to you with the subject line:

     [Your Trial]  Get started with the SoftwareKey System trial here

If you don't see it in your inbox, please check your spam/junk/promotions folders.

Once setup is completed, you will be able to log into your trial account to access the licensing client downloads. See this page for details.

Mike Wozniak, founder of SoftwareKey, shares how the company was started and the mission that drives SoftwareKey today.

Juan Manuel Garrido EGA Futura

Our Licensing Costs Fell 30X

In the past, we used dongles to protect our software. The average investment we had to do for each license sold was very high, while the administrative costs of mailing USB keys were also high. Today, thanks to SoftwareKey, our licensing costs fell more than 30 times, managing to have a single solution that solved several problems.

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