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Testimonials – Benefits of using SoftwareKey

Throughout our almost 30 year history, Team SoftwareKey has helped countless small and large software companies realize the many benefits of using a licensing system, including obtaining peace of mind from software theft, saving time, and increasing revenue.

While you can view the full set of testimonials here, check out what some of our customers have to say specifically about the benefits they have received from using the SoftwareKey System:

Something to Consider

Check out our blog post to learn more about the benefits of using a licensing system.

Why Software Licensing is a Smart Move


Able to protect unwanted copying of our software

We have been using the SoftwareKey System since 2002 to protect e-learning courses that we sell as installed software. Over the years we have many record-keeping systems to track customer usage and billing of our products, but ultimately, the data in SoftwareKey proved to be the easiest to maintain, accurate and simple to access.

We felt we needed to protect our software against people unknowingly misusing it. It worked...often we would get people trying to install our software in other sites of a company which was against our license. I don't think that people intentionally (most of the time) tried to get around our license, but when they did, we knew about it.

Robin McDermott Dir of Training/Resource Engineering, Inc.

Complete Turnkey Solution

I like the fact that the SoftwareKey System is a completely turnkey solution, from the development libraries, the website, the way you can tailor it to look like my website, I like everything about it. It's complete. I could have used the simpler way of not integrating the code, but I wanted to develop it and code it into my program completely so that it works seamlessly with my site.

I wanted to be able to give away fully functional software, but have people not abuse it. I was able to accomplish that with the SoftwareKey System because I could license it, then cut them off. We'll be doing a big push to 12,600 people (who use what we sell) on Facebook. I'm confident that the SoftwareKey System can handle it.

Michael Gencarelli Co-Founder / nGeneYes, Inc.

Allowed Us to Expand into New Markets

Your product is fantastic and allowed us to expand into markets that would otherwise be impossible for us.

Ray Smith Managing Director, AppliCad

It's Nice to See Sales Come in at 3am

SoftwareKey is a one stop shop for software protection. Tenacity has been using their solutions since we opened in 2004, and I would not consider going anywhere else. I love the SoftwareKey built-in shopping cart and tools they provide to protect our software from theft. It is nice to see sales come in at 3am.

The support that these guys offer is top notch. Dealing with the lowest technician all the way to the company owner has always been a pleasure.

Dustin Armstrong VP Operations, Tenacity, Inc.

The Clear Choice for Us to Share Profits with Partners

Legality Software develops custom software solutions and products for the legal vertical market. We were approached by a LexisNexis Certified Partner, to help bring their data synchronization idea to life.

Using the SoftwareKey System for software licensing, license management, copy protection, automated activations and e-commerce enabled us to share profits with our partners. SoftwareKey provides our partners a unique portal where they can independently manage their customers and sales of their own products. Multiple partner accounts in SOLO Server enable us to globally manage sales and licenses for our own products as well as those we build with partners. SoftwareKey's flexibility makes it the clear choice to enable us to partner and share profits with companies who have great product ideas but need help with development, licensing, and commerce.

Robert Gray Legality Software - LexisNexis Certified Partner

SoftwareKey has Stamped Out Piracy for our Software

The SoftwareKey System is simple to use and reliable, and it has stamped out piracy of our software. If a user tries to copy a product for a friend, our implementation is such that it works initially and then times out after a few days so the user gets a chance to evaluate it and this often results in a sale!

I have previously taken several approaches to licensing. Using SoftwareKey's products have increased our sales and freed up my time. We have never had a problem with the product and we have been using it since 2008 - enough said.

Leslie Emptage Owner, Neptune Navigation Software

Working Licensing Solution in a Week with Zero Problems

We started using the SoftwareKey System in 2009 and remember having the included sample code built and running within hours. Within a few days we had implemented the full Protection + Automation bundle in our graphics products. We've never even considered another solution since. The folks at SoftwareKey have always been responsive and genuinely helpful. They truly have an entrepreneurial spirit and I'm proud to include their technology in our products.

We have a growing internet software business where customers purchase and activate software licenses online, 24 hours per day. All in all, our customers experience a slick, integrated, and automated process.

Our customer support load is nearly nonexistent. Now that we have upgraded to Protection PLUS 5 SDK, literally months go by without hearing from any customers regarding licensing or activation trouble. The response time from all the SoftwareKey technology working together online is virtually instantaneous. Our support cost is -ZERO-!

Prices are quite reasonable, we get to keep almost all the revenue from our sales - a far better deal than selling through an App Store.

Noel Carboni Owner, ProDigital Software

Your Automation Generates More Income

You have allowed us to automate much of our licensing process and saved us a lot of time in terms of resource allocation. As a result, we have sold more products and generated more income.

Erik Toraason IntegrityWare, Inc.

Protected Our Products from Misuse

The SoftwareKey staff were always available and helpful...and their system worked perfect for us. SoftwareKey enabled us to sell our products without fear of them being pirated and shared among the small community that is our customer base. I doubt if we would have survived without it.

Steve Eversole Founder/Owner of Behavior Development Solutions

Successful Migration and Savings from Hardware Keys (Dongles)

We've been using software licensing technology since 1988. There are many very expensive systems out there that deliver far less than SoftwareKey. Protection PLUS is easier to use than the hardware keys we'd used for decades, implementation is faster, more key-based options can be stored, and it's less expensive on an annual basis than both hardware keys and many competitive software solutions we investigated.

Licensing is an unfortunate necessity to prevent theft. This solution saves significant time that otherwise might be spent programming individual hardware keys (dongles), and the responsibility of key programming has been off-loaded to accounting personnel rather than taking up time for engineering personnel.

Mike Norworth MPN Software System Inc.

I Didn't Realize How Much Time Manual Activations Were Really Taking

I'm very happy with SOLO Server and wish I'd started using it years ago. I didn't realize how much time and attention manual activations were really taking up. It's great to know that customers can activate immediately after a purchase and I don't need to be involved. The ability to remotely deactivate licenses can also be very helpful.

Michael Dowdie ReCrystallize.com LLC

Full-Featured Software Licensing Solution at a Great Value

My conclusion after researching all other available solutions on the market for desktop software license protection is that the SoftwareKey System is a great value for the features they offer.

  • Stellar customer support which is fast and efficient.
  • Rich developer materials. I needed to integrate the SoftwareKey system with 2Checkout e-commerce solution - which seemed like a daunting task. I expected it to take at least a couple of weeks - or hiring a developer to do the job. Fortunately, SoftwareKey had a library of PHP scripts that covers all the necessary tasks for license creation. Within a couple of days I had a basic working solution for license key generation from 2Checkout calls.
  • In addition to the complete licensing solution it was important to me to have a self-service license portal for the users where they can manage their activations. SoftwareKey offers just that - and the portal is also highly customizable.

I'm switching from another license provider I used for over 10 years (and who ceased the development of their solution). So I knew exactly what set of existing features I need - as well as more advanced options not offered by my previous provider. And preferably at a better price. SoftwareKey turned out to be the provider who satisfies all my requirements.

I also had some very specific custom requirements for different license and product types - which I wasn't sure can be easily implemented (if at all). With SoftwareKey I could achieve the flexibility I need - and even easier than I expected. Something that's not directly implemented in their system can be done through custom coding on my end.

Their SDK samples is another benefit worth mentioning. They fully cover every aspect of license management and make it easy to integrate SoftwareKey System into your software. As an additional advantage for me, their macOS samples are fully wrapped in Objective-C - which saved a great deal of time for me to implement the system in my Mac products.

Leo Revzin Owner / Zevrix Solutions

The Best Investment I Have Ever Made for My Business

I just want to thank you SoftwareKey for the # 1 greatest product and customer service that you have supplied me with for the past nine years. My business could not operate without you and you take so much of the work load out of my business that you could not even imagine. SoftwareKey is like having your very own special department for your own business. SoftwareKey has the # 1 greatest one-on-one customer support that you could ever ask for. I know SoftwareKey has been the best investment I have ever made for my business and I look forward to many more years of doing business with you. Keep up the great work and as always I look forward to seeing what new feature you have for us coming in the future.

Ray White Fog Line Software LLC

You can't hack them!

The difference with SoftwareKey System protection is that it binds itself with the code without modifying the code. If someone were to crack into the software they would crack the code, giving them a broken program.

We went out to companies and we paid top notch crackers hourly to try to crack the software, and then we said, 'if you crack it we'll give you $10,000 cash.' No one has ever cracked it.

Al Inga Database Emailer

Hackers Thwarted!

The Protection PLUS licensing software is very good and was relatively easy to incorporate in with our software. It is stable and secure. In 2007, on a few occasions, hackers attempted to crack the license key algorithm, but failed. They must have given up as there has not been any known issues since.

Mark Fonseca 3000AD Systems

Automation = faster service = increased sales!

When many new users are downloading the software, it's difficult to manually authorize each new installation or renewal without consuming resources (people's time) or do it in a timely manner. SoftwareKey Automation gives people the opportunity to buy the product or use it as software as a service and have it authorized immediately and automatically.

Gregg LaPore CEO and Founder / Trakware

The Simplicity and Reliability of the SoftwareKey Licensing System has Saved us a Lot of Time and Therefore Money

The whole process from beginning to end was painless. The SoftwareKey Licensing system was easy to integrate into our products which was one of our biggest concerns and it is cross-platform as our products are designed for multiple OS platforms. The SOLO Server interface for managing licenses and finding customers is awesome. It is easy to use, fast, and the support and pricing plans are excellent!

The simplicity and reliability of the SoftwareKey licensing system has saved us a lot of time and therefore money. From the time we signed on to having our first product ready to go with licensing was around a week. The most important way this has improved our business is that the whole SoftwareKey system is robust and very reliable. Issues with licensing from our clients are effectively non-existent. The user interface for managing licenses and storing customer details is very fast and easy to use, meaning that our staff can become proficient with the management process very quickly.

If you need a simple, reliable, robust, well supported, and well priced licensing system for your software products then without a doubt SoftwareKey are the people to talk to. We have found their support and response time to be excellent. The online purchasing and automated licensing is awesome. From the moment we implemented it we began to get online sales with licenses and email generated automatically for the purchaser. The customer login system for our clients to check on the status of their licenses and download updates is great and it allowed us to add a personalized dimension to client service.

The whole system is simple and easy to use. Our technical team has had no problem implementing SOLO Server and licensing in our products; and our customer management team have had no problems issuing and managing customer licenses. You can look at the others but you will be hard pressed to find a better all-round product/service.

Lazaros Kastanis Director, Ortelia Interactive Spaces

Can't Tell You How Much Additional Money We've Made

I think we've been using Protection PLUS for the better part of two years and I can't tell you how much money we've made during that period of time! We offer financing for our package and Protection PLUS allows us to inform our customers when their payment is due. 50–75% of our customers take advantage of our payment plan. We had a tough time doing this before Protection PLUS.

Randal Ferguson RDF Software

Our Licensing Costs Fell 30X

In the past, we used dongles to protect our software. The average investment we had to do for each license sold was very high, while the administrative costs of mailing USB keys were also high. Today, thanks to SoftwareKey, our licensing costs fell more than 30 times, managing to have a single solution that solved several problems.

Juan Manuel Garrido EGA Futura

Auditing brought revenue for additional 1000 units in the first month

I have overseen myriad product launches, each time I have unwavering confidence in the licensing and distribution strategy that always has SoftwareKey at its center. Our company distributes nearly 1 million units of both downloadable and physical software products, with many sold through retail stores. The ability to offer subscriptions makes it easy to capture renewal revenue and the copy protection is critical for our products.

Our staff, having sold mostly unprotected software up until this past year, has always relied on the reports from the distributors. We had a recent discrepancy involving our Retail sales reports for which we couldn't reconcile. SOLO Server ended up making it easy to audit the quarterly reports, showing where the distributor had accidentally left off over 1000 units that were previously sold. The bottom line is, SOLO Server helped us find lost revenue and prevented any further delay in royalties due from the distributors.

Dan Van Hoose VP of Sales, 123copydvd.com

Thank You for Leveling the Playing Field for Independent Developers

I've been with SoftwareKey for more than twelve years. I'm so grateful that I happened upon your product all those years ago. It's allowed my computer game to be sold and played in more than 50 countries. Thank you for leveling the playing field for independent developers.

Carey DeVuono HMS Games

SoftwareKey Helped Us Grow our Market Share

SoftwareKey was very easy to setup for our development team. What I really liked was how easy it was for our customers to use.

SOLO Server (SoftwareKey Automation) is a solid product. We are better able to track our customers around the globe. Solving this problem has allowed us to grow our market share in certain parts of the world. However, with any products we use that contain large sums of data I can always see room for improvements with reporting.

I would highly recommend using SoftwareKey!

Eric Brumm Co-C.E.O. at Portrait Displays, Inc.

Stopped License Sharing

It has a lot of functionality that end users want like online activation for getting up and running quickly. License sharing is also huge with end users. For us, getting data from the end user like email addresses was important. Technical support is pretty quick. License management is easy.

Jeffrey Dobos ProComSol