SOLO Server New Features and Exporting Data

By Mike Wozniak  |  SoftwareKey System Releases

Posted:  January 15

SOLO Server Release

We are excited to announce several new features and updates now available in SOLO Server, our first release for 2015!

Exporting License and Customer Data

Among the most frequently asked questions we receive from SOLO Server users include:

  • How do I export my customer or license data for a specific or all products?
  • How do I send an email to my customers to tell them there is a new version of my software available?

There is now a new and improved report to export customer and license data, accessed through use of the Reports->Licenses->Export menu entry. In order to be able to use this facility, the logged-in user must have the Report Access permission appropriately set on their user account or associated group profile.

The export licenses report produces a Comma Separated Value (CSV)  or XML file containing data from all licenses and their corresponding customer records based upon user-supplied search and filtering options.

If you are looking to export customers or licenses that were either entered or modified within a specific date range, you can set the start and end dates or enter 1/1/1900 for the start date to export all records. Note that the customer record (contact information) and license record (entitlement information) are separate records, each with an “entered” timestamp and a “modified” timestamp. You can choose to search the dates on either of these four options in the Search By filter. If you are trying to synchronize data with another system such as a CRM or an e-mail broadcast service, you can use the modified timestamp to export only that data which has changed since the last time you exported data.

It is permissible to choose among all products, a specific product, or even a specific product option as selected report filters.

The product catalog in SOLO Server often contains licensable software (i.e., where the Issue License check-box is checked on the product option record) or other items such as transaction fees or upgrade purchases that do not display a License ID to the end user. You can use the Filter Issue License to only include license records for those products which are considered to be licensable software products.

Some SOLO Server users who bulk-enter licenses (via the Customers->Add Multiple menu option) end up with licenses that are linked to unregistered customer records. You can use the Filter Unregistered check-box to include only licenses for customers who have registered.

If you only want to include those licenses which are considered “active” (i.e., those licenses marked with a status of OK), check the Filter OK Status check-box.

Other notable changes:

  • The daily processor now supports plugins, allowing custom processes to be implemented and run through the standard daily processing mechanism. This allows Team SoftwareKey to create custom daily process tasks that run unique business logic (created through engagement of our professional services) for specific customer requirements.
  • Searching by password has been restored to the customer search page and XmlCustomerService.CustomerSearch web method for users with View Password permission, and the export and web method results will also include the password for users with this permission.

You can read the full release notes here.

About the Author

Mike Wozniak is the founder of and responsible for marketing, content and product strategy. When he isn't plotting new ways to help customers solve licensing and business automation challenges, he likes to travel and entertain guests who come to visit the Orlando area.

Mike Wozniak


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