​​Protection PLUS 5 SDK Released
​Android developers are in for a treat with this release! We have updated to the latest Android NDK 17 for our library builds. In addition to building our libraries with all the improvements of the latest NDK, this means the list of supported processors have increased and now include ARMv7, ARMv8, x86, and x86_64. For users getting started with Protection PLUS 5 SDK Android Edition, we have created a new tutorial in our manual "Adding PLUSNative to Android Studio Project" with step-by-step instructions.
​We are excited to add an ASP.NET MVC sample application demonstrating the use of our licensing technology with this web application framework. We have continued to improve our sample applications with various tweaks and additions. Many of these improvements come from suggestions from our customers!
​For a complete list of changes, view the release notes here.​