SOLO Server Released with Enhancements to Custom License Parameters and Multi-Tenant Catalog Features

By Steve Marsh  |  SoftwareKey System Releases

Posted:  April 18

SOLO Server Release

We are happy to announce that SOLO Server Automation – Build has been released with enhancements to the new Custom License Parameters and Multi-Tenant Catalog Mode features.

In case you missed the previous announcement of these major new features, check out our previous post SOLO Server Released with Custom License Parameters and Multi-Tenant Catalog Features 

Custom License Parameters Enhancements

  • Custom license mailings sent from the License / Email Customer option on the license details page now support search/replace fields for custom parameters, allowing custom license parameter data to be dynamically inserted into the mailing.
  • Custom parameters can now be marked as required when adding and editing licenses, and default values can now be specified which are pre-populated into the form when adding new licenses.
  • For use with Multi-Tenant Catalog Mode, global custom parameter sets are now supported which are accessible by all author accounts on a given SOLO Server instance.

Multi-Tenant Catalog Mode Enhancements

  • When synchronizing the parent catalog to a child author, the product status of the product in the parent catalog is now included in the listing.
  • User and group permissions for child authors can now be restricted while still allowing child authors to manage their own users and groups. Previously, any user with permission to manage users could grant any permission. Now, child author users can only grant permissions that have been granted to them by the parent account.
  • When synchronizing products, if the parent product option has a global custom parameter set specified, the parameter set will also be replicated to the child product option so that only one custom parameter set needs to be maintained.

Other Enhancements

  • When creating a new administrative user, a new Welcome Mailing option is now available to send a customized welcome email to the user, including time-limited links to allow them to log in directly to change their password.
  • On the shopping cart and customer license portal registration pages, state/province and postal code no longer default to being marked required. This eliminates confusion for customers from countries that do not require these fields. The fields will now be marked as required based on the selected country once the user has selected a country.
  • A new Require Phone setting has been added to both the cart options and customer license portal options controlling whether the phone number is required on the respective registration pages.

Read the full release notes here. And as always we'd love to hear from you so feel free to reach out and contact us with your questions and feedback. 

About the Author

Steve Marsh is a Software Engineer with SoftwareKey and has worked on development of their SOLO Server software licensing server product for nearly 15 years. Outside of software development, he is an avid Chicago sports fan and a voracious reader.

Steve Marsh


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