Protection PLUS Released with Improved Samples

By Dan H.  |  SoftwareKey System Releases

Posted:  June 24

Protection PLUS Release

Protection PLUS has been release with updated C++ samples supporting easier configuration of licensing features, License Validation Options, and fuzzy-matching of System Identifiers!

License Validation Options

The License Validation Options feature allows more flexibility to configure the license refresh frequency values for your application. The C++ sample applications demonstrate use of this powerful feature.  The License Validation Options can be configured in SOLO Server and these settings are available to your application in the license data.  Additional information and sample code can be found in the Protection PLUS 5 SDK manual. This allows you to set different validation periods as described here at the license level. 

Fuzzy-matching of System Identifiers

Fuzzy-matching allows your application to tolerate some amount of System Identifier changes.  The updated C++ sample applications demonstrate a simple way to configure fuzzy-matching validation, and our sample code is designed to be easily copied to your application code.  

License Groups

Have you heard about License Groups? By using multiple licenses linked to a License Group, you can require a customer to perform the initial activation of a device through an online or manual activation process, and then any updates to that license can simply be downloaded as a complementary downloadable Volume license file.  The Protection PLUS 5 SDK manual has a new Updating Disconnected Computers tutorial demonstrating this feature!   

For more information on this and a complete list of changes, view the release notes here. 

About the Author

Dan is a software engineer at SoftwareKey with extensive experience in licensing technology and additional experience in video and audio development.

Dan H.

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